[Free Download!] New Emoji Patterns 😎

Paper snowflake with the sunglasses face emjoi design on a wooden table with the Paper Snowflake Art logo

Want to download the “Cool Dude” snowflake?
Enter your email at the bottom of the page & you’ll receive a free PDF!

I recently visited my daughter’s elementary school to work with the art classes on cutting paper snowflakes. They were so cute and attentive and they treated me like a celebrity after finding out I’m “a real YouTuber!” đŸ€Ł

I brought a few different patterns for us to try out (flower, pizza, snowman, strawberry
) but by FAR the favorite was the “cool dude emoji,” 😎 which was a design I added at the last minute because you only need scissors to cut it out. From kindergarten through 5th grade, this was the top snowflake pick! It got me thinking
 what other emojis are (relatively) symmetrical and would be fun to cut out? Should I make a whole emoji pack?? 🧐

I’m working on a larger year-round emjoi paper snowflake pattern pack, but I started by designing 10 patterns of Valentine’s Day Emojis!

Red paper with construction paper hearts and emoji-themed paper snowflake designs

Let me begin by saying some of these are TOUGH patterns! I had to cut some of them out with an X-acto knife, and it took me quite a bit of time to cut through all 12 layers of paper! So you’ll need the right supplies and you’ll need patience.

I’ve never created patterns that require the X-acto knife before (I think it’s usually hard enough to cut through 12 layers of paper with scissors!), so I ended up creating a new pattern level system to make it clear:

  • Beginner:

    • can be cut out only using scissors

    • relatively easy lines to cut

  • Intermediate:

    • needs either a 1/4", 1/8" or 1/16" hand punch (see supplies link below!)

    • cutting details require more precision

  • Advanced:

    • needs to be cut out using an X-acto knife and cutting mat

    • small details that require extra precision

paper snowflake with the heart eyes emoji design, hanging in a window on a winter evening

These patterns would make a perfect addition to the more traditional Valentine’s Day paper snowflakes, or they’d be fun to try on their own!

  • 💓 Beating Heart Emoji (advanced)

  • 💌 Envelope Heart Emoji (beginner)

  • 💗 Growing Heart Emoji (beginner)

  • âŁïž Heart Exclamation Point Emoji (beginner)

  • 😍 Heart Eyes Emoji (advanced)

  • â€ïžâ€đŸ”„ Heart on Fire Emoji (intermediate)

  • đŸ€— Hug Emoji (advanced)

  • 💋 Kiss Emoji (beginner)

  • đŸ„° Smiling Face with Hearts Emoji (advanced)

  • 😈 Smiling Face with Horns Emoji (advanced)

What about the Cool Dude Pattern?

The ever-popular “Cool Dude” snowflake is NOT part of the Valentine’s Day pattern pack, but it will be included in the larger emoji pack that I’ll hopefully finish up in the next month or two. So for now, you can download that pattern for free by entering your email address below!

Just FYI
 You’ll also get these freebie patterns if you join my mailing list (you need to select that little checkbox that says “Sign up for news and updates”). I can promise you that I’m a busy mom who doesn’t have time to send out many emails, so I will NOT be flooding your inboxes 😅, but when I DO send you an email, it will always include a free pattern! đŸ„ł


25 Days of Paper Snowflakes 2024 [Designs & Patterns!]