[Free download!] Ruth Bader Ginsberg Dissent Collar Snowflake Pattern

Ruth Bader Ginsberg dissent collar paper snowflake

Ruth Bader Ginsberg dissent collar paper snowflake

I recently came across this paper snowflake I made in 2020 after Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died. RBG had a number of different collars (you really need to check out this seashell one!) and I loved how she used them to mark significant moments, her strong opinions, or simply used them to show her personality & femininity.

This snowflake pattern is based on her famous “dissent collar” - what she wore when she disagreed with the majority opinion on the court. RBG had a quiet but powerful way of making her opinions known, and she did it without shouting or ridiculing. Her dissent collar reminds me that when we disagree with something, we can clearly and compassionately communicate our opinion without being disrespectful or hurtful.

RBG has a ton of great quotes, but this is one of my favorites: “Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

Ruth Bader Ginsberg-inspired paper snowflake

Cutting out the paper snowflake pattern

This pattern uses ALL the hand punches: 1/16”, 1/8”, and 1/4” circles. If you don’t have all 3 sizes, just use what you have and space out your hole punches accordingly. You can also draw on dots or decor if you want to go that route! (Or glue on jewels? I bet RBG would love that idea…)

You’ll use the 1/4” hand punch along the folds, which is a little tricky b/c you need to line the punch up so it cuts out a half circle on the fold. You can see in this photo that I didn’t get it QUITE in the right position on the left-hand side, which created some larger oblong circles when I unfolded the snowflake.

Download the pattern:

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